Some great content to help beginners and improvers from the good people at Global Triathlon Network (GTN) and Global Cycling Network (GCN)
Are you new to the sport of triathlon? If so you might well be struggling to know where to start when it comes to putting three very different sports together. If you've recently entered your first event and you probably have a lot of questions. Heather is here to cover the main things you’ll need to think about!
Triathlon is a summer endurance sport involving swimming, cycling and running. In this video, Heather and Fraser talk through the key points to doing your first triathlon if you're a complete beginner!
Your first triathlon can be a daunting experience & there can appear to be a never-ending list of things that you need to know about to toe the start line. Fraser is here to highlight five things that you might not have thought of, that will hopefully help you tackle your first triathlon with a little more ease.
More and more people are combining swim, bike and run into one event, a triathlon. Your first race can be a scary experience, but here are 10 things we think you should know before the event.
Are you thinking about entering your first triathlon? If so we're sure you have lots of questions spinning around in your head. Heather is here to answer the common questions that all triathletes will have had at some point!
Here are GTN's 10 beginner triathlon mistakes that all new triathletes should avoid!
Heather is here with a new edition of Ask GTN Anything, this time answering all your beginner triathlon questions ahead of your first event!
Learning to swim isn't easy, especially if you've never been into a pool before. Whether it's a while since you've been in the water or you're gearing up for your first-ever swim, Heather has some great tips to help you build your confidence in the water and progress quickly.
Over the last couple of months we have been getting loads of question and it's time we answered them! This edition of #AskGTN is all about swimming, so here's Mark with everything you need to know!
We've all seen Front Crawl in practice, but how do you actually do it for real? We've got a technique masterclass for you to learn and master yourself!
We breathe 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so why is breathing suddenly so difficult when we get in the water? Breathing and sinking legs are the two most common problems that swimmers actually face. So today, we're gonna look at tips of how to make you breathe a lot easier in the water and almost make it as natural as it is when you're on land doing activities.
We all know swimming can get a bit tedious from time to time. Trawling up and down that black line. Yeah, as triathletes, we are often quite guilty of just sticking to front crawl and not really changing it up much, but there's still other ways in which you can spice up your training and using toys is one of them. You're probably wondering what on earth we're talking about, but I'm afraid we don't actually mean jumping in the pool with a large inflatable and messing about. These are actually toys and tools that can help you improve your swimming technique.
Master GTN's 5 essential swim skills and feel more relaxed in your next triathlon swim!
When learning front crawl, the kick is easily overlooked. It makes up a small percentage of your forward propulsion in middle to long distance swimming, but still an effective kick is vital for an efficient overall stroke. We break down the front crawl kick and explain exactly how to perform it!
Swimming fast is a combination of fitness and technique, one is about physical hard work the other more mental. We are going to be looking into the catch part of front crawl and showing how you can improve this important part of the stroke.
Front crawl swimming can look smooth, fast and effortless. We are continuing to break down the stroke to perfect each stage in order to help you develop your front crawl. In this video we’re going to be looking at rotation.
Are you new to open water swimming or maybe a bit out of practice? We're here to help make sure you are ready to safely go swimming, preparing you for cold water, sighting, equipment, and more! (This video was recorded before Covid-19).
Fear of open water is not always rational or easy to understand. Learning coping strategies and specific techniques can transform your open water experience so we’re going to be a bringing you some tried and tested tips to help you quash those fears!
If you’re intrigued about open water swimming but don’t really know where to start or you’re nervous about taking the plunge, then we have got 7 tips for that first open water swim!
Sighting in open water. It might just be the most important skill to master when heading out into the open water. Don't practice and you could be swimming much further than you need to, master it and you will save yourself some vital energy. Here's how.
Here are GTN's top 9 open water swim skills for beginners. Open water swimming can be a bit daunting for beginner triathletes however, with these skills, you can learn to love the freedom of swimming outdoors!
When you hear that your next race is a deep water start it can be a a daunting proposition. Mark is here to take you through a deep water start masterclass so you can ace it!
Wearing a wetsuit in a triathlon can significantly aid your swimming. It can keep your body warm, it helps to make you more buoyant and it even works as protection from other swimmers.
Wild swimming is growing in popularity, it’s free, it’s relaxing and can be thoroughly invigorating. However, if you’ve not dipped your toe in before it might sound a little daunting so in this video we get some advice from an expert in the field, Professor Greg Whyte.
It's amazing how much kit we need as triathletes, sometimes it's just too much to deal with! To add to that, we always seem to forget something before we head out for an open water swim! Fraser is here with all the essentials you need!
Have you just bought a new road bike? Or are you planning your first road ride? We've got just the video for you as Manon takes a short ride around her local roads to explain everything a beginner cyclist might need to consider!
Aerobars are designed to make you more aerodynamic and therefore faster. If however you are not confident on them or in the wrong position the benefits become questionable. Getting started on aerobars can be difficult, so here is a step by step guide on how to use them.
Gears. They may seem complicated at first, but use them properly and you'll really notice the difference. There are many skills to be learnt in changing gears that could have a great benefit to your riding and your bike. Mark and Heather are here to explain!
Triathletes and cyclists alike can work on their basic skills and bike handling. Here are GTN's 5 essential cycling skills to master!
So you’ve entered your first triathlon but you’re worried about needing lots of expensive equipment? Well you’ll be reassured to hear you don’t need to tie yourself in knots about having a state of the art time trial bike for your first swim, bike and run, and Fraser will be explaining why!
Buying your first triathlon bike can be a really big step for any triathlete - it can feel especially daunting and that's before thinking about the potential costs! But actually, you don't need to break the bank and Mark is here to explain how as he visits our local store!
Triathlon bikes don't have to stick to the usual rules of cycling set out by the UCI. So, what makes them so fast?
Clipless pedals are by no means essential to riding a road bike. However, switching from flat pedals to clipless will definitely enhance your level and enjoyment of cycling. They can be the source of pain and huge embarrassment for both new users and experienced riders alike but, in this video, Dan tells you everything you need to know if you're new to clipless pedals to help you get clipped in and riding confidently in no time!
Women's specific bikes are a hotly debated topic in the cycling world. Do women really need specific frames? Can women ride bikes that are 'made for men'? What is a women's bike anyway? Well, Manon received a messaged on Instagram asking if we could make a video detailing the key differences between men's and women's bikes and whether or not women really need them - so here's everything you needed to know about women's specific bikes.
Have you just ordered a brand new road bike? Or have you just got into cycling and picked up a bike second hand and want to adjust it's fit? In this video, Manon takes you through all you need to know to be out on the road cycling in no time!
If you're new to cycling, and want to transport your bike inside a car, this video will help. Fitting a bike, or a couple of road bikes inside a car boot isn't that hard. Ollie shows you how to remove the wheels and safely store the bike inside a car.
Do you get a sore back when cycling? Speak to any cyclist, and pretty much all will have experienced some level of back pain or soreness at some point! Mark is here to be run you through a number of tips to help identify why you may be getting a sore back whilst cycling!
Are you new to running, or consider yourself somewhat of a beginner? Well, before you lace your shoes up, Mark has 11 tips to help get you running!
In order to get the most out of your run whether that's a training session or a race, you need a thorough warm up! This will help your mind and body prepare for what’s ahead and enable you to perform as well as reducing the chance of any injury. Heather is here to take you through a step by step warm up that will get you ready to run.
I'm often surprised at how many people I see running purely indoors on the treadmills and hardly ever venturing outdoors onto the roads, and you might be thinking that road-running is purely for marathon runners or maybe people that race long-distance on the road, but actually, there are benefits that we could all have by just getting outside and giving it a go.
Treadmills can seem a little bit daunting, especially if you go into a gym and they're all lined up in a row, and there's people pounding away on them. But don't worry, we're here to help and we're going to guide you through using a treadmill for the first time.
Trail running is a great way to train for triathlon! Varying the terrain you run on can keep tri training fun and exciting whilst developing your running skills.
Running sounds easy enough, right? Just put on some trainers and put one foot in front of the other! We all know it’s not quite as simple as that, so here Mark gives you his top beginner running tips that he wishes he’d have known when he started.