Swim, Bike, Run and Multisport Coaching
Our Focus - Achieving Your Training Goals
Training goals can mean many different things to different people. For some its qualifying for IronMan world champs in Hawaii, for others its completing their first triathlon, and for many its just getting fit and healthy and feeling good about their body. Our focus is on helping you achieve that goal, whatever it may be…
Click the button below to learn more about our unique approach
Bespoke coach supported training plans, group coaching sessions, 1-2-1 coaching sessions and a bit more, hit the button below to find out more….
Our “MyFirstTriathlon” products are focused on novices, beginners, newbies, first timers, whatever you want to call yourself, we’re here to get you through your first race with as much support as possible, and to continue working with you on your triathlon journey…..
My First Triathlon
Triathlon gear for the beginner and budget conscious…
Information for athletes